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Understanding Cellulite and the Methods Employed to Aid its Reduction

A better understanding of the nature of cellulite might help explain why its reduction is not as easy as those affected may hope, or as they are often led to believe. Firstly, those who find themselves embarrassed by its appearance may be able to draw a little comfort from the fact that it is a condition that affects anything between 85 and 98% of adult women to some degree. Although most commonly affecting the thighs and the buttocks, it also occurs less frequently on the upper arms, the lower abdomen, nape of the neck, and breasts.

Cellulite and its reduction are essentially female problems, as it is limited to men with a deficiency of male hormones due to hypogonadism or Klinefelter’s syndrome, or resulting from oestrogen therapy for the treatment of prostate cancer. It occurs because of a fundamental difference in the structure of subcutaneous connective tissue between the genders.

While the criss-cross, lattice-like arrangement of tissue fibres in males form a fairly impenetrable barrier, their parallel arrangement in females makes it far easier for excess fat, when under pressure, to be squeezed between the fibres and become trapped above them where they then form the typical lumps that contribute to the dimpled appearance that is often described as orange-peel skin.

Although there are natural ways to limit its formation, such as maintaining a healthy body weight, and avoiding stress and a sedentary lifestyle, cellulite reduction tends to require a more robust approach. One of the most recent is subcision, in which the underlying connective tissue fibres are severed to prevent the dimpling effect. It is, however, both highly invasive and controversial, and even though liposuction may be a better option, it is also invasive and as its effect is quite temporary and the dimpling will return, it may not justify the high cost, or the bruising and discomfort it entails.

While there are a range of creams on the market that are claimed to assist the reversal of this dimpled and often unsightly orange-peel effect, any success they may have is or likely due to the physical effect of massage, rather than any miracle active ingredients.

In practice, the best option available may be a device known as VelaShape II, given that it is the only such device to receive FDA approval for use in both circumferential and cellulite reduction. A totally non-invasive treatment, it combines infra-red and radio-frequency energy to heat and rupture fat cells, while simultaneously stimulating healthy new collagen and elastin to firm connective tissue. It can also be used safely on all affected areas. To learn how VelaShape II could help you, contact DermaCare today.
