One of the most noticeable trends of the twenty-first century, has been the dramatic rise in the number of overweight people. Doctors and nutritionists rightly claim that this is the result of a decline in our eating habits, and a predominately sedentary lifestyle. In short, we eat too much, usually of the wrong foods, and we do not get enough exercise. When advised that the best treatment, for those who might benefit from weight loss, is to eat better and become more active, most are put off by the prospect of painful press-ups and a diet of lacklustre lettuce leaves.
Although, with a little imagination, a lower calorie diet can actually be quite appetising. The exercise component can still be somewhat of a challenge for many, whether due to the time or effort involved, or both. Fortunately, there is an option that may not require such radical lifestyle changes. Thanks to the steady advances in the field of aesthetic medicine, during the course of the past few decades, there are now a number of alternative weight loss treatments that offer great results. Furthermore, these results can be achieved in less time than is possible with a traditional diet and exercise regimen.
In case this revelation conjured up nightmare visions of a surgeon inserting an oversized cannula, and stirring your excess belly fat like a pudding, there are now some less invasive alternatives to surgical liposuction. While a procedure may be minimally invasive, some do not involve either needles or incisions. Consequently, they produce little or no swelling and bruising. Subjects, who opt for this type of weight loss treatment, only require the bare minimum of recovery time, and can normally return to work on the following day.
Effective, both as a means to shed a few superfluous kilograms and for cellulite reduction, the non-invasive body contouring technology, known a VelaShape, utilises a combination of radio-frequency energy, infrared light, and a vacuum. It targets the area by means of a hand-held applicator. The treatment heats the dermal layer, which disrupts fat cells, liberates their contents, and stimulates the production of the proteins elastin and collagen, which are essential for the formation of firm and healthy connective tissue.
The effectiveness of electromagnetic radiation, as a weight loss treatment, is further enhanced by the application of a vacuum to the skin surface, which, as the applicator is moved, acts to manipulate it, and thus assists in the breakdown of adipose cells. The released fat, and the detritus from the ruptured cell walls are absorbed naturally by the body’s immune system, without the aid of external suction.